Days like today make me want to stay outside and dig in the dirt. Even when I was in college and was not able to "garden", I still tried to grow stuff in a window box outside of my dorm room.
I'm sure my roomate loved me climbing all over her bed to tend to the plants outside :). I still don't have a garden (even though I've contemplated the thought of turning the "porch" of my apartment into a grassy lawn) but try to grow stuff in pots each year. So far, I have a cedar tree, day lillies, irises, and an azalea bush. I also have some ivy, but I don't think it's going to make it through the winter. I did try to plant some buttercups this year in the flowerbed outside of my bedroom window, but the landlord got the bright idea to dig up all of the bushes at the apartment complex and plant new bushes, and, in the process, dig up my buttercup bulbs. I didn't lose any money on that project though, I had dug up the bulbs from the wilderness around my apartment, it just mainly hurt my feelings because buttercups are my favorite flower.
I thought about not going to class nor going back to work, especially when I saw someone sitting in the sun at the Chapel. It's so nice outside that it should be illegal to have to work on days like today.
Also, today is the opening of baseball season on-campus. I love to go to Dudy-Noble and watch baseball games, especially since baseball is the only sport that my husband will actually go with me to watch.
Ahhhh I miss those nice days on Bell Island... It's pretty nice here today! I did not want to come back to work!